SUPPORT YOUR CAFFEINE ADDICTION AND SAVE THE WORLD: December 1 is World AIDS Day and a portion of each hand-crafted beverage is donated to (RED) Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. Purchase any (RED) product on sale now to commit even more funds to fighting AIDS in Africa.
ON THE GO: In Market Square, it's convenient to everywhere you need to be. Swing past in the morning for a breakfast paring - breakfast sandwich/tall coffee, or coffee cake/tall latte, for only $3.95, available all day. Grab some VIA Ready Brew for your new (RED) to-go mug. Their new micro-ground coffee, VIA comes in little packs that dissolve in 8oz. of hot/cold water or milk for only $2.95/3-pack and $9.95/12-pack.

ALL ABOUT THE BEANS: Have you always wondered how Starbucks is so flavorful in every cup? Check out their website where you can learn about the growing to roasting process to make each cup of coffee rich and flavorful. Note: The Starbucks Anniversary Blend is almost sold out so if its your favorite go grab it while you can!